217-45 acres farm or land area

Referência: 45-426657Visitas: 1270

Land area of ​,​, 88 ha (217.45 acres farm), 70 ha of cultivation, 10 hectares of native bush. With 150 m2 house, sheds added more than 2, 000 m2, ponds, springs, rivers that provide irrigation and energy production, facilities and equipment, dairy farm dairy, pig sties to 100. Near the city, warehouses with grain dryer and supplies and paved road (3 km). Easily able to extend the area of full capacity to 3 annual crops, or cultivar 210 ha (518.92 acres) per year. Next horizontina - rio grande do sul - brazil, a city where is located the largest john deere factory in brazil. For more information call or write.
u$ 6.500,00 eua by acre.
Empresa Proprietário
Nome Felipe Erthal Sehn
Cidade Crissiumal
Estado Rio Grande Do Sul
País Brasil
Fax +55 (77) 99943 7517 vivo
Skype felipe.e.sehn
Nome Felipe Erthal Sehn

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