Business English school seeks teachers in Curitiba
Referência: 45-465717Publicado: 16/04/2024Expira: 16/05/2024Visitas: 1560
We are hiring. If you are a self-driven, dynamic english-language consultant with high-standards in the educational field, apply now. Limited availability. Job description: to provide corporate communication training to a large range of clients of different age groups, background and skill levels. To teach esl to a large demanding customer base. Job demands: candidate must be able to handle large amounts of work, be extremely flexible, and committed to work in a fast-paced environment. Requirements: native speaker with 2+ years of experience in a communication-related area, higher-education degree. Schedule an interview with our hr department now.
Empresa LBE School
Nome Rodrigo Faria
Endereço Alameda Joaquim Eugenio De Lima
739 7 Andar
Bairro Jardins
Cidade São Paulo
Estado Sao Paulo
País Brasil
Telefone 11 96127-2501
Celular 11 96127-2501
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Rodrigo Faria
11 96127-2501
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